Thursday, April 1, 2010


8th JAN, 2010 - X-FAB annual dinner @ Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK)


我的头发太乱了, 所以在同事的提议下去Hair Salon弄.  效果不是我要的, 但因时间紧迫, 凑和着算了!  不过令我意外的是太便宜了, 才RM17 ? 心里才不觉得痛!

1.  与CFO&COO合影留念

2.  与同事们合影

3. 与10 years service award 的

~ Hui Ming合影

hi friend, she is not as old as what you expected right? haha... 不晓得我有否机会拿到10年长期服务鼓励奖?  再等五年后吧!  可能等到"花儿也谢了"!


贤惠 said...

哈哈。。。 想必是你最近太闲空了。 一下子, update 这么多blog。 差点吃不消。 哈哈。。。

秀希 said...


哈哈...不好意思. 其实有些相片很早就预备好, 只是没有时间等它upload完(太慢了!). 现在正是"时候"给我处理完它.

I still got one outstanding topic need to post, still pending for the photos from my brother.

别"吃"的太急哦,免得消化不良! 哈哈...

Priscilla Wong Hieng Eng said...

walau... so many leng lui! wah wah wah... i see until my eyes want to drop! haha... agnes, you really looks gorgeous, and pretty without the glasses.

Wow.. Hui ming also very pretty and sexy! Xfab not bad ah. I worked there for 4 years++, never attended any grand dinner like this. I think that Xfab is doing better than 1st silicon. Opps.. ;P